Title: RED FLOWERS WITH GREEN LEAVES . Realism with apstract details and 1D background. Oil paint on canvas
Title: RED FLOWERS WITH GREEN LEAVES . Realism with apstract details and 1D background. Oil paint on canvas
Title: RED FLOWERS. Realism on 1D background. Oil paint on canvas
Title: RED FLOWERS. Realism on 1D background. Oil paint on canvas
Title:  JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE . Technique: Oil paints on canvas.
Title: JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE . Technique: Oil paints on canvas.
Title: AFRICAN SOLDIER . Technique: Oil paints on canvas.
Title: AFRICAN SOLDIER . Technique: Oil paints on canvas.
Title: TOUCH OF UNIVERSIES . Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: TOUCH OF UNIVERSIES . Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: ORPHANS. Direction: Realism/Surrealism.  Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: ORPHANS. Direction: Realism/Surrealism. Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: WE WANT PEACE. Direction: Realism/Symbolism. Technique: Oil on canvas
Title: WE WANT PEACE. Direction: Realism/Symbolism. Technique: Oil on canvas
Title: IMMIGRATION. Direction: Realism/Symbolism.  Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: IMMIGRATION. Direction: Realism/Symbolism. Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Combination of realism and abstract painting allows more posibilities than choosing just one or the other. Oil paint on canvas
Combination of realism and abstract painting allows more posibilities than choosing just one or the other. Oil paint on canvas
Title: LANDSCAPE . Technique: Oil on canvas, rough brush strokes.
Title: LANDSCAPE . Technique: Oil on canvas, rough brush strokes.

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