Title: RED FLOWERS WITH GREEN LEAVES . Realism with apstract details and 1D background. Oil paint on canvas
Title: RED FLOWERS. Realism on 1D background. Oil paint on canvas
Title: JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE . Technique: Oil paints on canvas.
Title: AFRICAN SOLDIER . Technique: Oil paints on canvas.
Title: TOUCH OF UNIVERSIES . Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: ORPHANS. Direction: Realism/Surrealism. Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Title: WE WANT PEACE. Direction: Realism/Symbolism. Technique: Oil on canvas
Title: IMMIGRATION. Direction: Realism/Symbolism. Technique: Mixed media: acrylic paints as a base and oil paints on top
Combination of realism and abstract painting allows more posibilities than choosing just one or the other. Oil paint on canvas
Title: LANDSCAPE . Technique: Oil on canvas, rough brush strokes.